A Calling to Illuminate the World

Are you a healer, coach, teacher, or facilitator with a calling to illuminate the world?

From birth, your inner light has guided you on a journey to your unique leadership path.

When your inner light calls you to lead, you'll be driven by soul desires to uplift humanity, create prosperity, and share high-information downloads through your teachings, creations, ideas and offerings. When you claim your true position your legacy of light will transform into a DYNASTY.

A Dynasty Of Light

Is a lifelong commitment to your soul's purpose, spanning years and delivering transformative experiences to many.

It's about being REVOLUTIONARY, standing out, and drawing others with your pure, powerful offerings that are exponentially getting better each year. Embrace a journey of constant ascension, crafting an extraordinary body of work and a powerful legacy. Leadership in divine work brings wealth, prosperity, and wisdom, guided by powerful clarity towards your brilliance and destiny.

The Benefits of this Course

We create a dynasty of our light when we choose to become leaders for a lifetime.

  • Perfect for healers, coaches, teachers, leaders who know they need to stand stronger in the own light to do their work

  • Receive a long term business vision about how to create prosperity from your unique path

  • Establish high systems of support to ensure you speaker louder, stand stronger, shine brighter and turn up in your offerings.

  • Anchor and crystalise your presense into the fabric of reality. Creating a magnetic feild that calls your students and clients home.

  • Learn to be moved by the power of you own light and deliver higher quality work every time that has your tribe wanting (and waiting) for the next level of your offerings

The Lessons

The following lessons are weaved throughout the course

1: Discover your Business as Big as Your Soul

  • Discover the profound connection between your soul and your business.

  • Learn to align your entrepreneurial journey with your deepest purpose.

2:  Your Brand As Its Own Universe

  • Explore why your brand is as big as the  universe, captivating hearts and minds.

  • Create a brand identity that reflects your essence and mission.

3: The Eminence of Your Essence

  • Embody your highest self and let it shine through your business.

  • Elevate your presence and impact in the world.

4: Remembering Your Dharma and Ultimate Calling

  • Explore the essence of your Dharma and uncover how it calls for you.

  • Gain clarity on your life's purpose and how it intertwines with your business.

5: Honoring the Path of Leadership

  • Embrace the beauty and responsibility of leadership.

  • Develop leadership qualities that will guide your business to greatness.

6: Disrupting the Fabric of Reality

  • Learn how to challenge the status quo and bring revolutionary change.

  • Embrace your role in reshaping the world's reality.

7: Your Unique Energy Field as a Magnet

  • Harness the power of your unique energy to attract your ideal clients and opportunities.

  • Cultivate a magnetic presence that draws people to your mission.

8: Flourishing - The Behind-the-Scenes of Emotional Energetics

  • Explore the emotional and energetic aspects of business growth.

  • Learn to navigate challenges and setbacks with grace and resilience.

9: Working with Divine Helpers & Guides

  • Tap into divine guidance and support for your business.

  • Foster a connection with higher forces that amplify your impact.

10: Expanding to Employ the Divine Universe's Support & Service

  • Expand your awareness to receive the support of the universe.

  • Cultivate trust and surrender as you manifest your dreams.

11: Dematerializing the Outdated

  • Release outdated beliefs and practices by moving into alignment.

  • Learn to trust the magic of the universe as it aligns with your brilliance.

12: Quantum Choice Points & Supreme Destiny

  • Identify quantum choice points that accelerate your business and prosperity.

  • Integrate your current self and life mastery to fulfill your supreme destiny.

How the Program Works:

This is not business strategy instead the method of powerful and lasting foundations in your business that will serve you for a lifetime.

  • Opening Ceremony

    WEDNESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 7PM UK time. We begin as a group to open the vortex to claim your dynasty of light. This is the moment you choose to walk more powerfully on the earth as a leader. You will find your proclamation of power, you unique mantra to activate your dynasty of light.

  • Origin Masterclass

    THURSDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 7PM UK time. We take you back to the origin of your legacy of light and the unique calling it has for you. We explore how it moves and inspires you to create your offerings. Plus Q & A

  • The Pillar Workshop

    SATURDAY 4th NOVEMBER 10AM uk time. This 4 hour workshops focuses on your truest soul calling. We focus on your business as big as your soul and your brand as big as the universe. You will get clarity of how to hold yourself energetically like a pillar of light to ride the ever changing seas of entrepreneurship. Plus Q & A

  • Horizon Masterclass

    THURSDAY 16th NOVEMBER 7PM UK time. We explore the anatomy of your dynasty of light and how you can lead and be led by it. This becomes the foundation for all your future work to exist from. Plus Q & A

  • The Field Workshop

    SATURDAY 18th NOVEMBER 10AM uk time. This 4 hour Workshop takes your pillar of light and turns it into a magnetic felid to pull your customers, students, clients, opportunities, synchronicities s and prosperities to you. Learn to communicate with the field of your dynasty of light to get your inspirations, ideas and motivations from. Plus Q & A

  • Closing Ceremony

    TUESDAY 21ST NOVEMBER 7pm uk time. The end is always the beginning of you mastering your brilliance in the world. With your workbook, mission statement, proclamations of power complete you will be able to embark as the powerful leader you were destined to be.

Bonus material

  • Dynasty of Light Workbook


    A workbook filled with powerful questions to get you super clear on your unique legacy of light, your mission, your promise, your offerings, your power and your big why.

  • Legacy Of Light

    VALUE £250

    A powerful collection of five masterclasses that explore the essential agreements you can make to ensure the legacy of your light exists. A super pre work assignment to get you ready for your dynasty of light.

  • Sacred Sales Masterclass

    VALUE £97

    A special masterclass that teaches you how to deliver and energetically create vortexes that bring students, clients and customers to your paid offerings.

"Honor your divine calling, transform your legacy into a DYNASTY, and shine brilliantly."

Why Work with Me?


I have been in the wellbeing industry as an entrepreneur for over a decade so of my achievements include: ▲Reached 1 million in revenue from doing my dharma of spiritual service ▲5 & 6 figure months ▲18 000+ hours of private therapy ▲250+ live course, immersions and workshops taught ▲Taught in 7 different countries ▲Created Internationally Recognised Certification ▲Sold Our Retreats ▲#1 Bestselling Book ▲Featured in international magazines and media ▲Have multiple streams of income ▲Lead 3 companies


“'I gained a new sense of confidence and pride in myself.' Working with Vanya was exactly what I needed to change my life. I worked on everything with her - my relationship, my finances, my health and my work - it all came down to me feeling too unworthy to have a better life. She is perceptive, gentle and empowering all at once. I gained a new sense of confidence and pride in myself. I left a job that was undervaluing me and found a new one which almost doubled my salary. This was the big change I needed to accept that I am a capable independent woman who can have more, be more and receive more. I defiantly feel more beautiful and more importantly I am allowed to be beautiful - something I felt ashamed of for years. Thank you Vanya. I loved working with you. ”

Noura Albadi, Lawyer

“'This changed my life' And I can honestly say that it changed my life. For years I had procrastinated building up my wellness business to become a success. It was a ‘barely earning enough’ kind of business and I just didn’t seem to be able to take off and lift it to the next level. With Vanya I went into deep deep healing of all the things that kept me small, we invited my soul home, we put me back together so I now feel welcome in this world, see and honor my talents and abilities and believe in my self. All the way Vanya made me feel loved, she held the space so I dared going into and through the process and she professionally spotted my dark areas and then assisted me in healing them. In the process I manifested the clinic I have dreamt of for years and I manifested the money to have it decorated in a high end quality fashion. I also got a better relation to my children, let go of the constant overwhelm that I have lived with for years and started to laugh again. My business is now on next level and I stand in my light. So thank you Vanya - you have a big place in my heart!! ”

Charlotte Trolle, Acupuncturist

Pricing options

One month VIP includes this course plus 2 x90min calls + 3 hour strategy session + unlimited voxer for one month. Three month VIP: this course plus 3 x90min calls + 3 hour strategy + 3 x 60min calls + unlimited voxer for 3 months. Email for more details.