Yinlicious Yogini
Awaken The Sensual Magic Of Your Body
Are you desiring to experience love on all levels?
And feel ecstatic joy and love flowering through your body?
Would you like to honour your yoni and female body as the most sacred temple in the universe?
And discover how your sexual energy can be a source of vitality?Do you desire to have the entire universe make love to you?
And would like to get intimate with all the muscles in your sexual places so that your orgasmic potential can heighten?
Your sexual energy is ready to flower.
Breathing and sounding exercise to access and move your sexual energy to create whole body orgasms.
Explore the workings of your vagina and sexual palace.
Create a strong, toned and supple vagina and pelvic floor.
Learn beautiful techniques that awaken the sensual magic of your entire body.
Discover the art of sensual body blossoming.
Create lasting union between your two female hearts - the womb and heart chakra.
Discover beautiful techniques that awaken the sensual magic of your entire body.
“For the first time in my life I feel so much love, deep inside me, and it's so powerful !! I can feel it's growing and getting bigger and bigger, the safer I feel to shine. I have never felt it before. I used to look for love outside me, in men. Now I've learnt to nourish myself with pure love and nobody and nothing can take that away from me from now on. I've learnt to connect myself with Mother Earth, the stars, the trees, the Moon, the Sun, the Universe and I don't feel alone anymore. I'm connected to everything, through time and space. We are all one. I'm so very grateful for this course!”
Donatella Battistella“'Can't thank you enough you are truly the embodiment of the goddess ! This is the best online course I have ever tried. I didn't expect an online course would have this effect and transformation. I am having shifts in my life that I never even dreamed of and I have travelled and done so many courses all over the world, so I'm speaking from experience I am so impressed by the variety and the structure of the course. It's designed with a beautiful and harmonious feminine rhythm. The shakti meditation made me feel like a coming home, I connected with a part of me that I had forgotten and so longed for! Each meditation and exercise is so unique and uplifting and healing. I truly feel the goddess within me has awakened. I feel my power, love, gentleness and sensuality. This course is for every single woman.'”
May Al Najjar“”
“The Goddess courses were so incredible! I really can't thank you enough, not only for your amazing information and the beautiful exercises, but also for being the purest of souls, with no judgement or ego. Your generosity of spirit made it so easy for us to relax and open up and fully integrate with every aspect of the course and to truly believe in our divine female powers and our beauty! You are truly the sparkliest of all stars.⠀ ”
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